This time i will give info about Sengkaling Recreational Park and Sengkaling Food Festifal. Sengkaling Recreational Park located in Jl. Raya Mulyoagung No.188, Sengkaling, Jawa Timur . Source :
It has many entertaiment fo it's visitor , like water park , bom-bom car and many more of them . Total area sengkaling about 9 acres and 6 acres of them .Theme park sengkaling opened every day , with the operational hours starting at 06.00 to am 17.00 pm.It is intended to give recreation and relax with family .Theme park Sengkaling first established by a resident dutch named mr .Coolman in the 1950s and had managed by Mochtar, people from Padang. When the Sengkaling managed by Mochtar , Sengkaling always closed on friday .Since 1975 until now , management theme park sengkaling this taken over by pt. Bentoel Group and was managed by pt .Park Bentoel. Pt .Park Bentoel , is one of a subsidiary Bentoel Group that moves in the services sector tourism in the form of theme park Sengkaling. At the beginning operation of this theme park Sengkaling, only been used for pt. Bentoel's employees. But with the progress, theme park Sengkaling was open to the public. This theme park have good superiority than the other recreation places. One of them is the water attractions are derived from natural sources mountains. That said, one of the sources that exist, namely Swimming Tirta Alam, believed to make peop[e stay young and until this time still many people who believe it. It also has Sengkaling Food Festifal . That was the biggest food festival in Jawa Timur . Because the concept was the food festival , so all of place in this Sengkaling Food Festival is all about food , Although was not specific , it was satisfying to come to that place . Here is some photo of that placeSource :
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